Students are required to sign in each week at the table inside the gym door. The center staff are responsible only for taking registration fees. Students must register with the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) and pay the class fees before or on the day of the first class they attend in a session. Class fees are not prorated--fees are not reduced based on number of times attended--and there are no refunds. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact Mr. Adrian Seemangal at 240-701-3570.
Extracurricular Rambler activities (e.g., volunteer demonstrations at community events) held during scheduled class times are considered classes. Special events--including tournaments, belt testing sessions, student ceremonies, and other activities--are also part of the curriculum. No prorating (fees are not reduced based on number of times attended) or refunds. Cancelled classes are addressed separately on a case-by-case basis and make-up classes may be offered on a day different than the class day. Contact Mr. Adrian Seemangal at 240-701-3570 if you have questions concerning his policies.
Listen for schedule update announcements made in class during the course of our continuous 8-week sessions. Refer to this page (which also includes important community and scholarship information sections) and the Classes page to keep up to date. The dates for sessions will be listed as they become official through the M-NCPPC. If you wish to contact Mr. Seemangal or Ms. Susan McCutchen, please go to the "Contact Us" page and click on the pertinent e-mail address.
We Lead By Example, Inc., Scholarship Program
Go to the GoFundMe link on the Donations page to donate to our Dr. Clifford L. Thomas, Sr., Memorial Scholarship Program, launched on Saturday, June 3, 2023.
January 11, 2025, Tae Kwon Do and Muay Thai Kickboxing Classes
Go to the Classes page for more detailed information!
Class registration fees are expected to be paid before or on the first day a student attends an offered class. FEES MUST BE PAID BY THE THIRD WEEK OF THE SESSION, based on the start date of the classes. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the payment of class fees, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Seemangal or Ms. McCutchen as soon as possible prior to the new session. You can register through the Maryland National Capital Parks and Recreation's Parks Direct system before the session begins; after the start of the session, you must register in person. If you do not already have an account, go to this link. For questions, contact the Bladensburg Community Center at 301-277-2124 for assistance. You can also register in person at the Center, where you will need to show your child's birth certificate if you had to create a new account online or are registering that child in person.
Registration Guidelines: Registration fees for tae kwon do and muay thai kickboxing classes are not prorated (fees are not reduced based on number of times attended) or refunded. Online Registration: If you pay online, the registration codes may not be accessible after classes have begun or, if you are allowed to register, you may end up registering for the following session instead. Check your registration status at the center's front desk on the first day of class if you are not sure and bring your receipt for confirmation.
Instruction Questions: Please contact Mr. Seemangal at 240-701-3570 if you have any questions.
Class Requirements, Martial Arts Etiquette Class Rules, and Sparring Rules of Engagement
This information is posted on the Classes page after the listing of class schedules. If you have any questions, please ask Head Instructor Adrian Seemangal (240-701-3570).
Anti-bullying message: Video from It Takes Two, Inc.
Here is a video from It Takes Two, Inc., about how to combat bullying. #DontFeedtheBully.
Dr. Reid speaks to youth at IT TAKES TWO INC about the importance of refraining from bullying. TIPS! DON'T FEED THE BULLY! *F-EARLESS *E-XERCISE (Self-Control)
PACER National Bullying Prevention Center Resource Links
PACER National Bullying Prevention Center offers many useful resources and downloadable documents. These include Kids Against Bullying, Teens Against Bullying, resources, information and facts, classroom activities, Bullying 101 for Elementary, Bullying 101 for Teens, Drama, Stories, Mobile and online Safety, Students with Disabilities, Get Involved, Speaking in Your Community. Go to this link to access cyberbullying resources to learn how to help your child stay safe online. View an archived livestream of the presentation entitled Social Media & Bullying: Using Technology to Keep Kids Safe.
(Cyber) Security and Your Phone: What Are the Risks and How to Stay Safe
Our digital world has opened up so many possibilities. Many people think cybersecurity doesn't apply to phones, but this is outdated logic. Hackers have upped their game. Go to this link to read this guide that outlines all the risks you face and how to keep your phones safe and secure.
A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents
Unfortunately, continual access to digital information comes with a series of disadvantages. And one of these is the rise of cyberbullying. 24/7 access to digital technology is not an advantage when the technology is being used to harass or discriminate against an individual. It can be a terrible situation where children are bullied around the clock, afraid to turn on their device for what they might find on it. The role of parents is to stay alert to the dangers of over exposure to these types of technology. WizCase Blog offers a free online and searchable resource on cyberbullying. A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents can be accessed at this link. It is easy to navigate this resource and select the topic(s) of interest.
How to Prevent Cyberbullying: Ultimate Guide for Parents
As much of a threat as cyberbullying is to children and teens across the country, there are measures we can take as parents, peers, and teachers to prevent and reduce it from happening. MoneySaving Pro, a company that researches, analyzes, reviews, and compares available resources to help thousands of consumers save money by finding the best products and services, addresses cyberbullying in How to Prevent Cyberbullying: Ultimate Guide for Parents. The guide starts with defining what cyberbullying is, outlines some facts and statistics, examines its relationship with the law, and describes the effects it can have on its victims. The reader is walked through the steps that can be taken to prevent cyberbullying and how to properly report it. In addition, a wealth of additional resources is offered beyond the scope of this guide. The guide is found at this link.
Cyber Bullying: The Complete [online] Resource Guide
Cyberbullying is rampant and poses risks for people of all ages. offers a free online and searchable resource on cyberbullying. Access Cyber Bullying: The Complete Resource Guide at this link. It is easy to navigate this resource and select the topic(s) of interest.
Kids Online: 40 Stats about Usage, Benefits, and Risks
Children huddled around playing games together on their iPads, virtual friend requests from new gaming buddies, and kids meeting their friends online for a playdate. These are common scenarios thanks to the internet and modern technologies. From online streaming to social media and gaming, kids have access to a whole different world outside of their families, schools, and communities. This means parents have extra responsibilities to keep screen time in check and take steps to protect their kids online. This article describes what children get up to online, how families are managing screen time, and the benefits and risks of being on the internet. Go to this link for more information.
Internet and Social Media Safety and Security for All Ages
It’s hard to imagine a day passing without using the Internet in today’s interconnected world. But while digital platforms provide numerous opportunities for connection and productivity, they can also pose threats to our safety and security. From cyberbullying to identity theft, the Internet is full of threats that we all need to be acquainted with. It’s important both for kids and adults to know how to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. Go to this link for more information.
Internet Safety for Teens, Kids, and Students
The functionality and convenience of today's Internet are truly staggering. At the same time, it can be an immensely dangerous area for children, students, and even non-tech-savvy adults. Children of all ages spend considerable time surfing the Internet, it’s therefore vital that both parents and teachers are forewarned about dangers that lurk online. As importantly, they must be taught how to avoid them. Go to this link to read about Internet safety tips against the most common threats for parents and teachers that will help to protect kids online.
Internet Access for Kids: A Guide for Parents
InternetAdvisor offers a moderated approach allowing your children Internet access with some restrictions and guidelines based on a family's individual preferences and needs. They assess tools, apps, programs, and strategies, and offer advice about what to look for and how to make the best use of tools and ideas. Go to this link for more information.
NST Attorneys at Law
Child Internet Safety
It should come as no surprise that the Internet can be a dangerous place. Sure, the Internet allows you to access information at your leisure and connect with people in faraway places easily; however, you may never know who may try to access you for harm. These dangers are magnified when children utilize the Internet as they are often not aware of warning signs of danger. Children can easily stumble upon fake news, pornographic content, scams, and seedy individuals, even when their voyage into the cyber world began with an innocent search. Nowadays, the Internet is easily accessible to people of all ages, especially as smartphones and tablets continue to increase in popularity. Access this link to learn how to promote Internet safety from NST Attorneys at Law.
A Parental Controls Guide for the Home
The digital realm is a part of everyday life for today’s kids. If you’ve made the decision to allow screens in your home, it’s important to create policies for responsible screen usage. Managing screen time without the right tools is difficult. That’s why so many parents and guardians utilize parental controls for home networks and devices. Parental controls protect children from unsuitable content and predatory behaviors. Check out this article for more information.
Safety Detectives
How to Keep Kids Safe on YouTube (Restrict Unsafe Videos) in 2021
Keeping kids away from inappropriate YouTube content can feel overwhelming. There are several billion YouTube videos (500+ hours of videos are uploaded every minute), and 2 billion users log into YouTube every month--so how do we filter out all of the violent, sexual, manipulative, hateful, and otherwise unsuitable content that our kids find on YouTube (frequently on accident)? Access this link to learn simple techniques.
How to Keep Children Safe Online in a Post-COVID World: A Safety Guide For 2021 and Beyond
When the Covid pandemic first appeared, Hannah Miller, like many parents, adapted to the changing circumstances. Many days during the summer months were spent with my children in the garden where we enjoyed fun activities such as growing super tall sunflowers, eating our first home-grown potatoes and even selling excess fruit to the neighbours. I also helped my sister design and build a sensory garden for her autistic son Jason. Now winter has arrived; it’s far too cold for children to be outside and health concerns are limiting physical contact with others. Children all across the world are inevitably spending more and more time online. And here is where new and evolving threats can be found. Go to this link to access this helpful guide by Hannah Miller.
Sammy's Guide to Internet Safety
Children will learn about protecting their personal information, password safety, email safety, social media safety, cyberbullying, and app safety with this entertaining learning resource. Go to this link to access the helpful guide.
How to Keep Your Children Safe Online: The Ultimate Guide for the Non Techy Parent
Chris Hauk shares his knowledge about protecting your kids from the dark side of the internet. Go to this link to access the helpful guide that discusses the dangers of the Internet for children, how to protect your kids when they're online, setting parental controls on computers and devices, additional ways to keep your kids safe online, and action steps.
Internet Safety Facts For Kids: E-Safety Tips For Parents To Follow [2019]
There is no question, the internet makes lives more accessible and a lot more comfortable. It is at the core of the daily business, and it is a significant part of home life. This is especially true when it comes to children and the internet. Internet safety for children is vital as there are countless threats from every angle. Because there will never be a slowdown in the use of the internet, it means these threats will always be on the increase. Parents need to spend more time to fully understand the risks, and then they will have a grasp on what it means when they say they are "protecting my children" while they are using the internet. According to Internet Live Stats, there are over 4.2 billion internet users and a staggering 2 billion Google searches every day. So, you ask, “Is it possible to allow my kids access to the internet while also protecting them from the many internet hazards?” YES, you can! And, here’s how to do it. Go to this link (VPN Streamer) to read more about what parents can do to protect their children.
E-Safety Guide to Keep Your Kids Safe
Worried about what your child is going through while searching on the internet? Is he being diverted to somewhere because of this random searches all over the internet? It is very important to keep monitoring your child and to guide them on what to search for and what not to and how to search for. It is always important for the parents to keep their children out from harm. At the same time, it is also important to equip children with skills so they can experience the internet positively. If you are wondering and confused about how to handle your child, here is a complete article on Kids e-safety guide which will help you throughout.
Keeping Children Safe Online (Updated for 2020)
Experts agree that children are at a greater risk for unwanted contact and exploitation by criminals than ever before. Unfortunately, this is due to the advent of the commercial Internet and, more specifically, social media. While the Internet is a source of great knowledge covering almost every subject imaginable, as well as a portal into the wider world, it can also be dangerous – especially for children and teens. Though many sites, companies, and communities do what they can to police activity, upsetting speech and images, disinformation, and cyberbullying are common across the World Wide Web. Even today, television accounts for the majority of “screen time” in children under age 8. The typical American child consumes an average of three hours of screen time per day. 11% of these children use a cellphone, tablet, or computer. And, by age 8, 90% of all kids have used a computer in some capacity. The Internet is undeniably a staple of everyday life for most people, including children and teens. Unfortunately, this includes a lot of criminals and predators who have developed sophisticated methods of hacking into home networks, personal computers, online accounts, and more. Securing your child’s safety online by following some simple steps is no different from fastening their seatbelt or reminding them to brush their teeth. Go to this link to find out more.
Guide to Keeping Children Safe Online (Updated for 2021)
There is no denying that the internet has changed the world. We would be remiss, however, to ignore the dark side of the web. Online communication has given everybody a voice and the freedom to share exactly what is on their mind from the sanctuary of a screen, which is a simultaneous blessing and curse. We are raising a generation of children that have not known a world without the web and all that entails, and young people use the internet for a number of reasons that are foreign to their parents. This article will also help keep children safe while they negotiate the many twists and turns of a life lived online.
E Safety Guide
For Parents & Kids | To Keep Kids Safe Online
Are you worried about your kids’ safety online? These days, having a computer along with an internet connection is essential to the educational and social needs of young people. However, parents must acknowledge the dangers lurking in the digital sphere. If you’re unsure how you can safeguard your children from digital threats, this guide from CB (ConsumersBase) is for you. Access the guide at this link, where we will identify the many things that put kids at risk and reveal what you can do as a parent.
The Ultimate Parent Guide for Protecting Your Child on the Internet
Go to this link for a parents' guide that contains summaries for each section with actionable items for the parent/teacher.
Domestic Violence Resources
Available National, State of Maryland, and Local Hotlines and Resources
Whether you or someone you know is in need of help, hotlines and resources are available to help deal with domestic violence. Hotlines: Police Emergency (24 hours): 911; House of Ruth (24 hours) 410-889-7884; Maryland 2-1-1 (24 hours): 211; Community Advocates for Family and Youth (CAFY): 301-390-4092; Family Crisis Center, Inc. (located at 3601 Taylor Street, Brentwood, Maryland 20722): 301-731-1203 or 1-866-382-7474; MD Network Against Domestic Violence: 1-800-634-3577; Prince George's County Child Protective Services: 301-909-2450; and The Sexual Assault Center, Prince George's Hospital: 301-618-3154. More contacts: MD Crime Victoms Resource Center: 301-952-0063 or 877-842-8461; Joint Base Andrews Family Advocacy Program: 240-857-9680; FCC Crisis Hotline: 301-731-1203; House of Ruth Legal Services: 240-450-3270. Prince George's County: The Prince George's County Family Justice Center (14757 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772) has hours of operation Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; telephone: 301-780-8008. The Department of Family Services Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking Division suggested hotlines and resources: Local: Family Crisis Center (Centro de Familiar) (see information above); Fair Girls (Human Trafficking) (Trafico de Ninas): 1-855-900-3247 or 202-265-1505. Domestic Violence Shelter: Family Crisis Center (Centro de Crisis Familiar) (see information above). Resources and Referrals: Information resource line in Maryland (Linea de Informacion en Maryland): 211. National: National Domestic Violence Hotline (Linea Nacional de Violencia Domestica): 1-800-799-7233; Teen Dating Violence (Violencia entre parejas Adolescentes): 1-866-331-9474 or text "loveis" to 22522; National Human Trafficking Resource Center (Centro Nacional de Recursos de Trafico Humano): 1-888-373-7888 or text "BeFree" to 233733. More Resources: Go to this link (English) and this link (Spanish) for important resources information. Guide for Teens and Their Parents - Health Risks and Sleep Strategies
The absence of a consistent sleep schedule can leave teens feeling irritable and impact long-term cognitive functioning, negatively affecting their performance in school and personal relationships. To help students and their parents understand the importance of sleep, put together a comprehensive guide on all-nighters sharing the health risks and strategies they could use for getting better sleep. Read more at Are All-Nighters Bad for Your Health to learn more about sleep and your health and for helpful tips and resources.
Elder Abuse Awareness and Women's Health Issues
One in 10 Americans over the age of 60 have experienced some form of elder abuse, but only one in 14 cases is reported. Women make up approximately 66 percent of elder abuse victims in the U.S. Elder abuse is any form of abuse – physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and more – perpetrated by an individual who holds power or influence over an elderly person. Perpetrators may be nursing home staff, family members, caretakers, even friends and neighbors. Some of the warning signs of elder abuse include: (1) physical abuse, neglect, or mistreatment: bruises, broken bones, abrasions, burns; (2) emotional abuse: unexplained withdrawal from normal activities, a sudden change in alertness and clarity of mind, unusual depression, strained relationships; (3) financial abuse: sudden or unexplained withdrawals or other similar changes in financial accounts; (4) neglect: unusual weight loss, poor hygiene, unattended medical needs, bedsores; and (5) verbal or emotional abuse: belittling, threatening or other behavior that subjects the elder to the control and/or influence of another person. (Adapted from the National Council on Aging). All suspected cases of adult abuse and neglect should be reported to your local DSS Office or by calling 1-800-332-6347. For more information on elder abuse, you can visit the National Council on Aging or the Maryland Department of Human Resources Adult Protective Services. For more information on this and other women's health issues, please visit the Maryland Commission for Women's Online Health Information and Resource Directory.
Women's Health Issues
For information on women's health issues, please visit the Maryland Commission for Women's Online Health Information and Resource Directory.
Summer Camp Programs
Terp Young Scholar program - July 10-28th. Rising 10th-12 graders. Application closes May 1st.
The Amazing Science Discovery Camp - July 10th-14. Rising 3rd-5th graders
Physics Makers Camp - July 24th-28. RIsing 9th and 10th graders.
Physics Of Quidditch - July 3rd-8th, Rising 6th-8th Graders.
Fame Music Program - Different dates throughout the summer.
ArtWorks Now - Ages 5-12. June-August 2023.
Camp Joe's - Ages 5-12. June- August 2023.
Park & Recreation Summer Camps - Ages 4-17. June 26th-August 18 2023.
STEM & Engineering Summer Programs
WIE - Women In Engineering: Rising 9th-12 graders.
ESTEEM/SER-Quest Program (Engineering Science and Technology to Energize and Expand Young Minds) - Rising 12 graders
Exelon Foundation Stem Leadership Academy- Rising 10th or 11th grade girls. July 23-28th, 2023. All applications are due by Tuesday, April 11th, 2023. Please contact Rebecca Lamb at with any questions. Home Fire Safety
The team at created a guide with the goal to support families and their children as they navigate ways to create a safer home. They created a fire safety and prevention guide that includes strategies for preparing an evacuation plan, a printable kid's activity workbook, and tips for fire-proofing your home. Go to Fire Safety in Your New Home: Safety Checklist for the Family for more information.
Medicare Resources
Go to these sites for assistance with Medicare and Medicaid and more: Guide to Medicare Eligibility, Coverage and Plans - Medicaid: How to Qualify and Apply for Medicaid - and Health Insurance When You're Unemployed. You can search state-by-state and learn about Medicare and Medicaid, as well as about affordable health insurance.
Medicare Advantage Plans in Maryland
Medicare Plans Patient Resource Center tackles the challenges associated with Medicare. The center's goals are to (1) serve as a Medicare counselor, educator, and advocate; (2) provide fact-based, data-driven, expert-reviewed information about Medicare and Medicare rights; and (3) advocate for and assist in finding actionable solutions to healthcare coverage problems for aging adults. This resource helps seniors through the state's available plans, eligibility requirements, and enrollment guidelines. Most importantly, they provide a list of helpful community organizations throughout Maryland that can further support seniors with their healthcare needs.
SeniorAdvice: Assisted Living in Maryland
Just over 15% of Maryland's population is over 65 years of age, the second-largest demographic in the state according to US Census Bureau data. The Free State is defined by abundant waterways and coastlines, world-class healthcare, an extraordinary variety of senior living services and home health care services, and an abundance of historic sites and cultural pedigree. It's little wonder that the state appeals to retirees. As a monthly median average, assisted living in Maryland costs $4,300, just slightly above the national average of $4,051, according to the Genworth Cost of Care Survey. This guide covers the basics of assisted living in Maryland, including cost comparisons to nearby states, among urban centers in the state itself and between different kinds of care. It also covers overall quality of life, financial support, information resources and the laws and regulations affecting Maryland assisted living programs or ALPs.
Need Help With Hearing Aids? created this guide of the best hearing aids to help you find the device that best fits your needs. Our selected devices run the gamut from extremely low-cost hearing aids to those featuring the latest, high-end technologies, and hearing aids you can buy online and in-person with an audiologist. At this link, you’ll find our review of the best hearing aids, information on the cost of hearing aids and financial assistance options, how to choose a hearing aid, and answers to frequently asked questions.
A Helping Hand in the Journey of Aging in Place
At, our mission is to ensure that seniors and their loved ones have the help and resources they need to remain independent and safe in their own homes. We believe that every older adult should have the opportunity to choose their own path in their senior care journey. No matter what challenges they face, we are here to empower seniors and their loved ones by providing tools and the resources they need to make informed decisions. At this link, you’ll find information about the four stages of aging in place, Medicare, the cost of in-home care, becoming a home health nurse, and mental health and older adults.
Need Money to Help Buy Food? Check Out SNAP/FSP.
What is SNAP?: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as SNAP, is the new name for the Federal Food Stamp Program. In Maryland, the program is called the Food Supplement Program (FSP). SNAP/FSP helps people with little or no income buy all sorts of foods including fruits and vegetables. In these hard times, more people are eligible than you might think. So check out SNAP/FSP at The Training Source, Inc., or Prince George's County Department of Social Services.
Can I get SNAP/FSP Benefits?
--To receive benefits, your income and resources have to be under certain limits.
--People with lower incomes receive more benefits.
--When determining your income, allowable expenses such as rent, utilities, child or elder care, or medical bills (if you are elderly or disabled) are subtracted to find out how much food help you might get.
--Resources include the amount of money you have in bank accounts.
How Can I Tell if I Might be Eligible?: Go to this link, visit the Prince George's County Department of Social Services, or call The Training Source, Inc. (59 Yost Place, Seat Pleasant, Maryland 20743) at 301-499-8872 for onsite application assistance as well as for information about job training and other programs and services that can change your life.
Yachad Home Repair Services
Useful Resource for Elderly, Disabled, or Struggling Residents
Yachad's mission is to bring communities together by preserving affordable homes and revitalizing neighborhoods throughout the District of Columbia and the greater metropolitan area (Landover, Hyattsville, District Heights, Capitol Heights, and Hillcrest Heights in Prince George's County). Yachad means "together" in Hebrew, and that is how we do our work through partnerships with homeowners, houses of worship, nonprofits, and other community stakeholders. We mobilize skilled and unskilled volunteers, invest financial resources, and, through our work together, transform people and properties. Our mission is rooted in the Jewish commitment to seek justice by engaging inn acts of loving kindness. We welcome people of all faiths to share in our work to keep our communities diverse and vital. Go to this link for important information about Yachad and its application for services.
Behavioral Health Resources
Providers in Prince George's County, Maryland
Go to this link for a listing of providers and their contact information.
Prince George's County Directory of Community Resources
Go to this link to access Prince George's County Directory of Community Resources.
Maryland's Resource Guide for Aging Drivers
Download a copy of the MVA's Resource Guide for Aging Drivers at this link.
Prince George's County Senior Resource Guide
Go to this link to access Prince George's County 2020 Senior Resource Guide.
Paying for Senior Care: Maryland Medicare Advantage Plan Resource Guide
Many aging adults are unaware of the available care options and programs that can help them maintain their independence and quality of life. Paying for Senior Care has created a free resource that provides comprehensive information on Medicare Advantage in Maryland. Go to this link and this link for more information.
How to Write and Format a College Admissions Essay
Your college admissions essay, also called a personal essay or personal statement, is an integral part of your college application. This is your opportunity to show the admissions committee who you are — beyond the grades on your transcript or activities on your resume. The Common App asks students to write a personal essay between 250 and 650 words. While some colleges do not require this essay, many do — and many applications are improved by including this essay even when it is optional. Even if you’re applying through a different admissions portal — a smaller coalition of schools or a college’s individual site — you will likely need to write some kind of personal essay during the application process. Go to this link to learn how to write this type of personal essay.
How to Write a Scholarship Thank You Letter
A scholarship is a big reason to celebrate! But first, let’s take care of that scholarship thank-you letter. You’ll never regret writing it sooner than later, nor will you begrudge the minimal time and effort required with tips from Go to this link for more information.
2023 Scholarship Resources
PGCAR - Prince Georges County Association of Realtors - Community service efforts scholarship of $2,500. Deadline March 31st.
Hyattsville/Landover MD alumni chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity - Application deadline March 31st.
Crescent Cities Charities Inc. Scholarship - Deadline April 15th.
Maryland State Financial Aid Application - Various Deadlines.
Senate scholarships and delegate scholarships - Your state senator or delegate have scholarships opportunities. Find your representative here.
The Esperanza Education Scholarship - Deadline April 15.
Dunkin’ Baltimore/Metro DC Regional Scholarship Application opens in March 2023.
SECU Scholarship - Deadline May 5, 2023.
HBCU scholarships - Various deadlines.
Scholarships for Latinos/ Latinas - Various deadlines.
Scholarships for African Americans - Various deadlines.
Scholarship Guide - Prince George's County Public Schools
Scholarship Information from Prince George's County Council
A list of scholarships regardless of immigration status from our partners.
First Generation College Bound offers mentoring and support through the College Access Program to students at Central, Fairmont Heights, Laurel, Parkdale and Potomac High Schools. Through this program FGCB assists students in applying for financial aid. Check out their online calendar packed with webinar's on Financial Aid & College Affordability and Road to Success tools.
Interested in attending a Historically Black College or University (HBCU)? Here are a few resources for scholarship opportunities. Additionally, visit HBCU Grads, founded in 2017 as a resource hub for everything about HBCU's! Discover their Most Comprehensive List of HBCU Scholarships 2023.
Apply today for the Prince George's Community College (PGCC) Promise Scholarship! The Prince George's County Promise Scholarship is designed to support students with financial resources beyond federal, state, and private scholarships to complete their education. Scholarships will cover ALL tuition and fees for eligible PGCPS graduates. Learn more.
Prince George's Community College offers numerous other scholarships and financial aid. Learn more here.
The Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship is a last dollar award, available to students who plan to enroll in credit-bearing coursework leading to a vocational certificate, certificate, or an associate degree; or in a sequence of credit or non-credit courses that leads to licensure or certification; or in a registered apprenticeship program at a Maryland community college for the 2021-2022 academic year.
The Incentive Awards Program is designed for exceptional students who demonstrate academic ability, uncommon assistance and maturity despite very difficult circumstances. Through full scholarships and wraparound services, Baltimore City and Prince George's County high school students with significant financial need can thrive at the University of Maryland.
Search regional and national scholarships and learn more about the financial aid process on the PGCPS Scholarships Portal.
All Maryland Senators and Delegates have scholarship funds available for individuals bound for and currently attending a college or university in Maryland. To check who represents your area please visit Deadlines run through spring but differ per office. Find the contact information for your Senator and Delegate(s) online here and contact their office directly for application information.
L.E.E.P. To College Foundation, Inc. has a ton of scholarship and resources on their website, check them out! Also visit their website to learn about some of their amazing programs for students.
Access 2 Education Scholarship
Through a partnership with 2U, Inc, Employ Prince George's (EPG), and the George Washington University College of Professional Studies, the Access 2 Education Scholarship Fund will help build the Metropolitan region’s pipeline of technical talent and provide access to high-quality training programs for local residents with a particular focus on serving the Black and Latinx communities as well as women and individuals from low-income households.The scholarship will make tech-focused boot camps at George Washington University available to Prince George’s County residents at a 65% tuition reduction, bringing the cost of the program down to $3,500. A 24-month, interest-free financing option will also be available to accepted students. Apply here.
Prince George's County Public Schools Scholarships Listing
Click on this link to access the PGCPS scholarships listing. Many, if not all of the scholarships listed, are NOT gender specific.
Robert Frederick Smith Internship and Fellowship Program
Digitization and Curation of African American History
The Robert Frederick Smith Fund for the Digitization and Curation of African American History was established to advance the digital curation, community outreach, and internship initiatives at the Museum. As part of the Smith Fund Internship and Fellowship Program, the Museum will select and provide funding for interns who will be located onsite with the Museum and offsite at select African American museums, art galleries and museums of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), cultural institutions and historic sites, or other related institutions dedicated to the study and preservation of African American history and culture. All internship opportunities with this program will focus on work related to digital imaging, media preservation, digital preservation of personal and community objects, digital content management, collections information management, recording and preserving oral histories, or digital filmmaking. Go to this website for more information.
2023 Scholarships for African Americans
College Financial Aid Advice for Blacks
Apply now for Scholarships for Blacks for 2023, including Scholarships for African American Women at this link. If you are African American, there are many scholarships to help pay for college tuition and expenses, with some based upon merit and others based upon both merit and financial need. The scholarships listed at this site are designed for African Americans, and include both specific scholarships, such as Gates Millennium scholarship, and lists of scholarships for blacks provided by different organizations.
Finimpact Top 21 Scholarships for Entrepreneurs 2022
Applying Tips and Statistics
Regardless of whether you are running your own business as an entrepreneur or you are thinking of majoring in business, a scholarship could be an excellent choice and an investment in yourself. Just because COVID-19 is hitting the economy hard, it does not mean you have to give up on your hopes and aspirations. First and foremost, you really need to know your goals and be able to focus to make you a better entrepreneur and business person. By focusing on one particular area, your chances of acquiring the scholarship are greater. Go to this link to find out more and check out 21 scholarships currently available.
Harvard University Scholarships for Undergraduate Students from Low-Income Families
No Tuition and No Student Loans
Harvard University has announced that undergraduate students from low-income families will no longer pay tuition. If you know of a family earning less than $60,000 a year with an honor student graduating from high school soon, Harvard University wants to pay the tuition. For more information, call the school's Financial Aid Office at 617-495-1581. Don't miss this outstanding opportunity.
Latin American Youth Center
Hey, Seniors! College Assistance and Internships
Organizational Background: The Latin American Youth Center (LAYC) MMYC-PG Workforce Program is federally-funded by the Prince George's County government's Office of Economic Development Youth Services. WIA assists in-school and out-of-school youth in gaining the skills, abilities, work experiences, and information they will need to successfully enter the workforce and/or higher education.
Locations: Riverdale Site: 6200 Sheridan Street, Riverdale, Maryland 20737. Langley Park Site: 7411 Riggs Road #418, Hyattsville, Maryland 20783.
Description: For in-school youth, we seek to improve academic performance, school attendance, build employment skills, career planning, job readiness training, and tutoring and other enrichment programs to help youth achieve high school completion, postsecondary enrollment, and job placement. For out-of-school youth, there is the opportunity to prepare for the GED, earn computer skills essential for employment, practice job readiness skills, enhance skills needed to succeed in the workplace (such as a positive attitude, punctuality, and team work), peer support groups and presentations from speakers in different career fields, and assistance with postsecondary enrollment, and job placement.
For High School Seniors: Join our year-long workforce program and receive assistance with college exploration, college tours, application fee waivers, completing college applications, assistance with college essays, applying for financial aid, and scholarship opportunities. Plus, a paid summer internship, including job readiness training to get assistance with resumes, cover letters, and interview skills.
Eligibility: Youth ages 16-21, U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident, Prince George's County resident, and low income family.
Cost: FREE. There is no direct cost to the student.
For More Information: To find out more about the LAYC/MMYC Workforce Program, call 301-431-3121 FREE, ext. 131, or e-mail Desiree Gibson, Lisa Monroe, Dalia Perez, or Cristina Lemos. Available on Facebook (MMYC PG Workforce Program), Twitter (@MMYC_PG_WIA), and Instagram (MMYCPGWIA)
Search regional and national scholarships and learn more about the financial aid process on the PGCPS Scholarships Portal. Go to this link for more information.
For decades, Brooks Law Group has remained dedicated to advocating for the rights of car accident victims. At the heart of Brooks Law Group lies a cohesive team driven by a deep philanthropic spirit, with a particular focus on empowering young adults. This commitment to advancing the next generation is ingrained in our values and actions. Go to this link for more information and to apply for the inaugural Brooks Law Group Car Accident Scholarship!
This offer comes from Our aim is to promote education and knowledge. We are setting aside a substantial amount, ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 each semester, to assist students in financing their education. This amount can be put toward tuition, textbooks, or any other educational expenses. Go to this link for more information and to apply!
As the population of older adults continues to grow and life spans lengthen, more and more young people are taking on the role of caregiver for older loved ones. While the exact number of young people taking on this responsibility is not well understood, it’s estimated to be well over 1 million. On top of their demanding caregiving duties, many of these young people are simultaneously pursuing high school, college or graduate-level education. Scholarships for student-caregivers help ease the financial burden faced by these extremely hardworking students. Go to this link for more information or call 800-973-1540 about scholarships for student caregivers.
BodyLogicMD is proud to announce its new scholarship program for aspiring medical professionals! Having worked with a network of highly-trained practitioners for over a decade, we understand the level of time, dedication, and education it takes for an individual to embark on a successful and fulfilling medical career. We also understand that the training and education required for a medical career comes with a hefty cost, and that can lead to a lot of stress for people at a time when they need as much focus as possible to navigate this long process, achieve their dreams, and contribute to the greater good as medical professionals. Now, we’d like to recognize and help these people who will one day go on to help all of us maintain a high quality of life! Twice per year, we will provide a $5,000 scholarship to the candidate who best exemplifies the qualities needed to be an outstanding medical professional and help people overcome their medical issues! Go to this link for more information and to apply!
We are one of the biggest U.S. based auto shippers. We provide worldwide shipping and have offices, storage facilities available in most of the main cities and metro areas throughout the U.S and overseas. Our team has decided to create a scholarship program (A-1 Auto Transport Scholarship) for the students so that they can get some help in meeting their education related expenses.A-1 Auto Transport will NOT share, sell, rent or otherwise transfer any student information. Three awards worth $1,000, $500, and $250 will be awarded under the A-1 Auto Transport Scholarship every year. The scholarship will be sent directly to the school/university/college’s financial aid office. Go to this link for further information.
The Beauty + Wellness Scholarship for Women awards $1,000 quarterly + a care package filled with healthy organic goodies to young women who are striving to maintain their health and wellness as they pursue their higher education goals. We're tremendously proud of the work that we are doing to help young college women all over the country to achieve true mental, physical, and emotional well-being---but we're just getting started. Scholarship page and application at this link.
Level up your education with a $2,000 scholarship from ISN (Inspection Support Network). Growing demand and lack of qualified workers in skilled trades and technology means it’s a great time to go back to school and enter these lucrative and fast-growing industries.To help keep up with demand and assist the next generation of professionals, ISN will award a $2,000 scholarship four times a year to eligible students. You must be 18 years or over and currently be enrolled as a high school senior, or in a community college, undergraduate, graduate, technical college, or vocational program, or be planning to enroll in a high school, community college, undergraduate, graduate, technical college, or vocational program during the 2021-2022 academic program in the United States. For more details about this scholarship, go to this link.
Learning CPR and basic first aid are ways any one of us could potentially save a life. The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is proud to sponsor the “Save a Life” Scholarship, offered exclusively to students majoring in the healthcare and education fields. We made this commitment to further the education and career development of future doctors, nurses, technicians, professors, and teachers of all areas of specialization with this scholarship. We want to help with your education. The “Save a Life” Scholarship of, $1,500, is awarded twice per year: once in the spring and once in the fall. Each $1,500 award will go to a different student, in order to maximize the impact of the scholarship, spread the word of the importance first aid and CPR training, and share more stories from future educators and healthcare professionals. For more details about this scholarship, go to this link.
Incorporated in early 2011 Juego Studios, an ISO-9001:2008 certified award-winning game development and designing company, that allows brands to seamlessly create, find and to develop visually enticing and technically superior games and mobile applications. Since its inception, Juego Studios has become synonymous of cutting edge game development solutions and advisory services. We are a society of some creative innovators, artists, storytellers and game developers, who are building some awestruck games for diverse platforms including Android, iOS, Windows, iOS and also for virtual & augmented reality, cross platform. This $1,000 scholarship is only for students older than 17 years of age who are presently enrolled in colleges, universities, or high schools. Students of any stream/branch of study can apply for this scholarship. We especially look forward to applications from gaming enthusiasts. For more details, please visit our scholarship page here.
The Prince George’s County Promise Scholarship is designed to help students complete their education by covering costs beyond the federal, state, and private scholarships they receive. The Prince George’s County Promise Scholarship is built on the premise that a lack of financial resources should not be a deterrent to earning an associate degree or industry-recognized licensure or credential from Prince George’s Community College. The Prince George’s County Promise Scholarship Program will cover tuition and fees for eligible students. All information and eligibility requirements can be found at this link.
Having any health test can be a daunting and challenging experience. Embracing challenges is, however, how we make progress and take steps to improve our lives. At STDLabs we are dedicated to encouraging students to take brave steps in furthering their education both in and out of the classroom. It is for this reason that our "Test Yourself" Scholarship was recently launched. We want to support and reward individuals who step outside of their comfort zone, thus achieving personal growth and gaining skills for life. This is true in any field, academic or otherwise, including science, technology, community development, sports or the arts. Students majoring in any subject(s) may apply. The “Test Yourself” Scholarship of $1,500.00 is awarded twice per year: once in the Spring and once in the Fall. Each award will be given to a different student, in order to maximize the impact of the scholarship, increase awareness and critical consideration of the stubborn taboos around topics such as STD testing, and share more stories from inspirational people. Go to this link to learn more and apply.
The goal of these scholarships is to challenge high-school seniors, undergraduates, or graduate students enrolled full-time in an academic institution and maintaining a minimum 2.5 GPA to dig into the field of technology by writing different essays on how innovative technologies are transforming our lives. Every half-year, the new technology-related topic will be introduced. The topic for the upcoming semester will be "Using Games for Social Good and Playful Learning." All information and eligibility requirements can be found at this link. The best submission will be awarded $2,000 while the two runners-up will receive $500 each.
DEADLINE: JULY 31 (EACH YEAR) is proud to offer the Financial Futures Scholarship to future and current college students majoring in Business, Accounting, Finance, Mathematics, Management, and others preparing for a career in the personal finance industry. Applicants will be judged based on outstanding academic achievement and submission of an essay. The scholarship award amount is $1,000. Go to this link to apply and for more information and essay guidelines. For further questions, please submit your inquiry via our online contact form. Please note the following deadlines for the spring term:
- Due Date: July 31st annually
- Announced: August 31st annually
- Awarded: August 31st annually
Sapling HR, People Ops and Onboarding Scholarship
Deadline: November 1 (each year)
The SaplingHR Onboarding Experience Scholarship is a $1,000 award for any current or soon-to-be undergrad who has a passion for the people operations and HR space. The scholarship has a brief submission process, and applicants will be judged on their ability to convey their idea for a useful innovation in mobile device technology. An employee’s onboarding will directly influence their level of happiness at their new company. At SaplingHR, we believe in striving toward a better future by helping those who are passionate about helping others to reach their goals. Go to this link for more information and to apply.
Whittel & Melton Magna Carta Scholarship
Deadline: December 15 (each year)
The law firm of Whittel & Melton is donating a $1,215 college scholarship to commemorate the signing of the Magna Carta. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our clients against corporate giants and powerful government agencies. We fight for due process for clients accused in criminal court to stand trial against the government, state and law enforcement with their vast resources, holding them accountable to the U.S. Constitution that protects our civil liberties. Qualified applicants will be currently enrolled in an accredited College or University. Further, the applicant must attend a college or university the following academic semester. Graduate students are welcome to apply. To learn more, visit our official scholarship page at this link.
RevenueZen Social Selling Scholarship
Deadline: December 15 (each year)
The RevenueZen Social Selling Scholarship is a $1,000 award for any current or soon-to-be undergrad who is looking to innovate the hiring process. In an ideal world, what would hiring and applying for a job look like? How will you stand out? The RevenueZen Scholarship has a brief submission process. Applicants will be judged on their ability to convey their idea for an innovative social selling process focused on getting hired at a specific company. To learn more, visit our official scholarship page at this link.
Certa Law Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Scholarship
Deadline: December 15 (each year)
A $1,000 Scholarship For Those Affected By Life-Changing Accidents: The Certa Law Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Scholarship is an award for current or soon-to-be undergrads worldwide who have had their life altered due to a bodily injury from an automotive or pedestrian accident, be it their own injury, that of a loved one, or an influential individual. The Certa Law Scholarship has a brief submission process, and applicants will be judged on their ability to convey the lasting effect an accident has had on their life. To learn more, visit our official scholarship page at this link.
Auto accidents can be life changing. At The Derrick Law Firm, we believe in keeping the public safe by bringing first hand experience to those who haven’t had it, as well as easing the stress of accident victims as they enter one of the most important phases of their lives. The Dirk Derrick Car & Truck Accident Injury Scholarship is an award for any current or soon-to-be undergrad in the United States who has had his or her life altered due to an injury from a car or truck accident, be it their own injury, that of a loved one, or an influential individual. This is a $1,000 scholarship and the winner will be announced on December 20th of each year.The Dirk Derrick Scholarship has a brief submission process, and applicants will be judged on their ability to convey the lasting effect an auto accident has had on their life as well as their journey to overcome those challenges. Students applying must submit an essay where you explain, present, inspire, or otherwise convince us as to why you deserve to win this scholarship.There are no conditions or requirements for this essay. Please keep submissions to 5 paragraphs and 600 words at the absolute maximum. This is not a standardized test. While spelling, punctuation, and general cohesiveness will make your essay easier to read, and therefore judge, you are not being graded. The winning submission will be one which clearly conveys a non-fictional story of your life before and after an auto accident. Go to this link to apply.
This scholarship is open to everyone 18 years of age or older. Tell us in 500 words or less, what your dream job would be. Describe your dream job to us and tell us WHY this is your dream job. Consider the following in your essay: Why is this your dream job? Is it more about money or happiness? Or both? What are you doing to reach your dream job goal? Go to this link to apply.
The Orlow Firm Video Essay Scholarship
Deadline: December 31 (each year)
The Orlow Firm, a personal injury law firm based in New York City, is proud to announce our inaugural scholarship program, offering a $1,500 award to a deserving college student in the United States. Our mission is to empower and uplift the next generation, especially those who face socio-economic challenges. Recognizing the potential of students who have a vision of giving back to their communities, we are eager to provide financial support to help catalyze their dreams. To learn more, go to this link.
This $2,500 scholarship is a way for Redfin to help one high school senior or current college student on his or her journey through higher education. We are looking forward to reading each submission! To apply, in 300 - 500 words, answer the following question: The place (or places) where we were raised often have a profound effect on who we become as adults. What effect has the community that you were raised in had on who you are today? The scholarship application period will occur twice yearly with awards delegated in both the Spring and Fall. The Fall application period is from May 1 - July 31 of each year. The Spring application period is from November 1 - January 31 of each year. Complete the following form within the designated application periods. You can find all the information related to the scholarship at this link.
FREE Youth@Work/SYEP 2021 Job Readiness Training Programs
Date: Register Now!
Prince George’s County Government, Prince George’s Community College, the Prince George’s County Public Schools, the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Six Flags, Men Aiming Higher, the Greater Prince George’s CountyBusiness Roundtable, and the Prince George’s County Chamber of Commerce are proud to announce the launch of Youth@Work/SYEP 2020 Job Readiness Training Programs. The Youth@Work/SYEP Job Training Programs provide youth ages 15-19 opportunities to gain workplace skills and explore career interests. Contact us: 301-546-1580 | Visit this link to enroll today!
Prince George's County Health Department
Opioid Overdose Training and Treatment
Description: Be a hero. Save a life. Give Naloxone (Narcan) to reverse an opioid overdose!.Do you know someone who uses heroin or prescription pain medicine like Oxycodone, Percocet, Vicodin, or Fentanyl?
Take Action: Anyone can attend. Learn how to recognize an opioid overdose. Learn how to treat the overdose with Naloxone (Narcan). Get a free Naloxone (Narcan) kit.
Cost: Free.
Location: Cheverly Health Center, 3003 Hospital Drive, Ground Floor, Cheverly, Maryland 20785.
Sign Up: To sign up for Naloxone Training, call 301-324-2985. For opioid treatment, call 301-583-5920.
National Alliance on Mental Illness FREE Recovery Support Group Sessions
Dates: First and Third Tuesdays Each Month
Description: Are you looking for a peer-run, peer-driver support group for adults living with mental health conditions? Do you want to meet others who have similar challenges and experiences? Are you seeking a confidential setting with understanding, compassionate people willing to provide assistance? The Prince George's County Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in collaboration with the Family Service Foundation have started a support group for adults seeking peer support with their mental health recovery.
When: Sessions are scheduled from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Contact NAMI for upcoming session dates.
Cost: No charge and light refreshments.
Location: Family Service Foundation, Inc., 5301 76th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Landover Hills, Maryland 20784. Free parking. Close to New Carrollton subway, Beltway 495 and Baltimore/Washington Parkway. On bus line - T18.
More Information: For questions, contact Alnicia or Allen at 301-429-0970. Sign language interpreter with two weeks advance notice via e-mail.
Living Well Evidence-Based Diabetes Self-Management Program
FREE Prince George's County Program
Contact: Linda Nunes-Schrag, Master Trainer & Program Coordinator
Living Well Program
The Department of Family Services
Area Agency on Aging, Prince George's County
6420 Allentown Road
Camp Springs, MD 20748
Telephone: 301-248-0039 (Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday) or 301-585-8240 (Tuesday and Friday afternoons).
Workforce Development and Job Opportunities from the Prince George's County Council - 2021
American Job Center Prince George's County list various resources for employment and services.
Career OneStop offers career videos organized in 16 clusters with information including task, work settings, education requirements, and more.
Eckerd Connects offers individualized career pathways to increase employability skills.
Employ Prince George's Knowledge Equals Youth Success (KEYS) is designed to provide young adults 18-24 years old with the necessary tools to become competitive in the workforce. KEYS provides career pathways, credential attainment, and supportive services to those who may face barriers to employment. EPG's Industry Bridge Programs are comprehensive workforce programs that align Workforce Services, Adult Education, and Occupational Skills Training to meet the workforce needs of specific In-Demand Industries in the DC Metropolitan Area.
Joe's Movement CreativeWorks vocational training program for those interested in theater production and digital media.
LAYC/MMYC AmeriCorps program is an employment opportunity for young people to work as part of the national community service movement. The AmeriCorps program hires, trains, and places Corps members within Prince George's County Public Schools.
Maryland Apprenticeship & Training Programs offer sponsor and/or Employer developed apprenticeships that combine full-time employment and related instruction.
O-net Online is a great resource for career cluster information on education, plans, trainings, wages, and more.
Prince George's County Fire/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is currently recruiting for both volunteer and career opportunities.
The Training Source offers employment training programs and job placement assistance.
YearUp offers various programs to succeed in professional careers and higher education.
Job Opportunities Information from the Prince George's County Council (2020)
Prince George's County Summer Youth Enrichment Program is hiring 6,000 youth ages 14-22 this summer! Apply today!
Little Friends for Peace is seeking Interns (18+) and Junior Counselors (15-17) for Summer Peace Camps as volunteers or for class credit. Learn more.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center offers internships and other student work opportunities. Learn more.
Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation hires youth 16 and older in their Teen Performance Ensemble for the summer. Auditions take place on April 14 and 15. Learn more.
Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation hires youth 16 and older as life guards, swim lesson aides, and more, through the Aquatics Employment program. Learn more.
Employ Prince George's is the principal workforce development entity in Prince George's County serving as the County's bridge between job seekers and businesses. Learn more about job seeker services, hot job listings, and more here.
Guide to Best Job Sites
Go to this link to access this guide to job sites. Finding a job in today’s market takes more time than ever before. The days of simply walking into a business, handing over a resume and getting an interview on the spot are a thing of the past. Many companies will no longer accept unsolicited resumes. Unless you apply through the proper channels, your application will go right in the trash can. The best job sites of 2018 help you find the right channels to go through and let you search through thousands of posting. When you use the ultimate job site, you can search for jobs in your local city and open positions around the world. Most of the top job sites let you create your own individual account. You’ll enter information such as your educational background and the professional experience that you have. Each time that you apply for a new position, you can use that existing information. We spent days scouring the web to find the best job sites for the year. To make sure that we selected the best sites around, we also consulted with hiring managers and job recruiters to find out what they recommend. You can pick up some tips on applying for a job online after finding the best job site.
Prince George's County School and Job Opportunties and Summer Camps for Youth
Sign Up for E-Mail Newsletter
Many opportunities for Youth in Prince George's County! Receive e-mail newsletters with a long list of college scholarships and summer camps being offered and opportunities available for youth employment in Prince George's County from Thomas Mayah at the Prince George's County District 3 Council Office. Contact him by e-mail or by calling 301-952-3060 FREE. There are so many scholarships, summer camps, and youth job listings, with links embedded, that we could not begin to post them all on our Announcements page!
Year Up Training Program
Low-Income Adults
Year Up is a one-year, intensive training program that provides low-income young adults, ages 18-24, with a combination of hands-on skills development, coursework eligible for college credit, corporate internships, and wraparound support. For more information and to apply go to this link.
MGM National Harbor is Hiring
Youth Ages 21-25
MGM National Harbor is hiring over 2,500 youth ages 21-25. Advancement in food and beverage, gaming, and hospitality is available. Applicants (1) must be able to work a flexible schedule and be available on weekends and holidays and (2) pass a background check and drug screening. Call Monica Chavetz at 301-618-8425 for more information!
High-Paying Job Opportunities Available
Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation
More than 750 high-paying job opportunities are available for residents of Prince George's County, including positions with the MGM National Harbor. Apply right away as these jobs will fill up quickly! There are jobs as restaurant cooks, computer user support specialists and computer programmers, customer service, deliver drivers, heavy tractor-trailer truck drivers, registered nurses, retail salespersons, and security guards, as well as the opportunity to jump start your career and get your CDL license and training for free (for this opportunity, contact Brenda Gillis). The Prince George's One Stop Career Center is located at 1801 McCormick Drive, Suite 120, Largo, Maryland 20772--e-mail Brenda Gillis or ask for her or Dee Turner at 301-618-8425. The Laurel Regional Career Center is located at 312 Marshall Avenue, Suite 604, Laurel, Maryland 20707--e-mail Adrienne Stay or call her at 301-362-9708. To apply online, go to this link. For more information about the Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation, go to this link.
U.S. Government Jobs
Link to Job Listings
Go to this link to find listings of jobs available in the U.S. government, including the Internship Program, the Recent Graduates Program, and the Postsecondary Internship Program.
Maryland Workforce Exchange
Link to Job Listings and Events
To take advantage of the many opportunities available, including job listings and events, first complete a registration profile with the Maryland Workforce Exchange. You can do this online at this link or in person by visiting the One Stop Career Center at 1801 McCormick Drive, Suite 120, Largo, Maryland 20774. You must then add a resume and a professional e-mail address to your profile. Once you have a completed profile, you can register to attend events. Call 301-618-8445 for additional information.